Myths and facts about worms - worms in the human body

Worms are parasites of the helminth group. Existing in the body of mammals, fish and humans, they feed on the "host", causing harm to the body by reducing the nutritional value of the food, excreting waste products, reducing immunity andincreased sensitivity to allergens. In the history of fighting against helminths, mankind has invented many cures. We look at the effectiveness of these methods, their preventive effects in the form of regular deworming, and separating fact from fiction.

Worms: parasites harmful to health

Parasite treatment by doctor

Although in nature there are symbiotic parasites that exist regardless of the host, but not only bring harm but also benefit to the body, the worms are the parasites, they are present in the body to cause harm. significantly reduced health. In terms of harm, helminths are compared with diseases such as tuberculosis, coronary heart disease and chronic diarrhea.

Worms are parasites that, even in the early stages of helminthiasis, can cause disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system, immunity and allergic reactions. With the development of the disease, anemia, deficiency states are noted due to the consumption of nutrients, vitamins, minerals by helminths, which enter the human body with food.

The group of worms, helminths, and helminths includes roundworms, pinworms, roundworms, and helminths. In terms of the spread of helminths, they are compared with infectious diseases, second only to the flu. And the presence of helminths in the body against the background of an acute infectious process can significantly complicate the course of recovery, prolonging the disease.

Severe helminth infections also affect reproductive function, can cause infertility, birth retarded children. The spread of worms throughout the body becomes the cause of a person's disability.

The prevalence of helminths is often explained by non-compliance with the rules of hygiene ("disease of dirty hands"), quality of living conditions and pollution of the territories surrounding livestock farms. , both personal and commercial. Non-compliance with hygienic and hygienic standards: handling food, hands, surfaces in public places creates in our climate an environment favorable for the reproduction of helminthsand transmit them from one carrier to another.

Children and the elderly are most susceptible to parasitic diseases due to their weakened immune defenses. Children have not yet formed the habit of washing their hands, but have an instinct to look at things with their mouths, as well as a need to bite their nails and suck their fingers.

Myths and facts: about the treatment and prevention of the disease "helminths"

Proper nutrition for worms

The existence of various "home" treatments for helminthiasis, humanity has the opinion that it is "embarrassing" to visit a doctor with such a diagnosis. So, when knowing the presence of worms from the test results or suspecting themselves to have helminthiasis through the general symptoms, people often try to avoid consulting a specialist by buying medicine. "deworming" in pharmacies or using "folk" treatments.

Self-diagnosis is often based on false indications and unhealthy attempts at treatment. One of the common myths says that nighttime teeth grinding, teeth grinding in a dream, is an indisputable sign of the presence of worms in the body, parasites that contribute to restless sleep. This version has not found any confirmation in the course of scientific research, the most common cause of bruxism is stress and dysfunction of the nervous system. And "be treated for worms" in this case doesn't make any sense.

Let's take a look at some common alternative techniques used for helminthiasis.

Eat a lot of green vegetables rich in aromatic substances: parsley, dill, celery, cilantro have no effect on helminths and groups of parasites living in the body and on the body's surface. Likewise, helminths do not care about vegetables, fruits, oranges, which are also noted to have healing properties. Increasing the vitamin intake provided with a large amount of greens or squash, sea buckthorn, carrots, persimmons may improve the general condition for a while, but not cure helminths. But hypervitaminosis and indigestion in people who prefer this treatment are quite common. Not to mention the possibility of further bacterial infection when using poorly washed vegetables: to get rid of worm eggs, spinach must be washed many times before eating.

Bowel washes, colon enemas with lemon juice or garlic promise instant parasite relief. However, the cavity of the small intestine, where helminths reside, does not have an enema device and an Esmarch cup. The consequence of such a pseudoscientific method is not a cure for helminthiasis, but a violation of the intestinal microflora by ordinary douching and, as a result, erosion of the mucosal surface with the use of water. caustic soda.

Dangers of self-prescription pills for deworming

tablets for worms

If folk remedies do not help, then it is necessary to resort to medicine. Dewormers, anti-helminths, are quite common and are sold over-the-counter in pharmacies.

However, it should be remembered that there are a large number of different types of helminths and other parasites, and despite the existence of combination drugs, there is no single "dewormer". . For different types of helminths, different drugs are produced.

Moreover, antihelminthic drugs are quite toxic and have a number of contraindications, both for general health and for age or physiological status (pregnancy at different periods). The selection of a suitable drug is carried out by a specialist taking into account all factors, the degree of infection. In some cases, it is necessary to have a course of treatment with a combination of drugs, using more drugs to support the body during treatment and prevent possible complications.

Preventing helminthiasis with common antiparasitic drugs, which some people, especially breeders, follow, can do more harm than in the early stages of the disease. The action of anthelmintics is based on the poisoning of the parasites, but they are toxic to humans, and they should not be used "for prevention".